10 Tips to Keep Your Weight Lose

Tips and Tricks

Weight Lose
Want to look better with ideal body within 1 week, because there was a party to attend or otherwise. An easy way to lose weight quickly within a week is a great hope, is it possible?. Of course it is still possible and not dream your determination depends make it happen. You do not have to worry about in terms of losing weight, there is a quick and safe way to lose weight in just one week. With this technique, your weight could be down between 0.5 - 1,5 kg. Consider the following tips quoted from the pages of All Women Stalk.

1. Increase servings / Time Your Sports
If you have previously had a regular exercise schedule, then it's time to upgrade and increase the portion of the sport. However, if you previously did not have a regular schedule, then immediately set up a schedule for the Gym. Try using the elliptical trainer for 40 minutes in 5 days, it is able to lose weight more quickly, not only that your body feels fitter.

2. Avoid Carbonated Drinks
As much as possible avoid fizzy drinks, because it is in a small bottle of the drink contained 250 calories all come from sugar. Furthermore there are no vitamins in these soft drinks. They are great desire to drink soft drinks will be greater risk of obesity, diabetes or osteoporosis.

3. Avoid Junk Food
Junk Food has become a trend now, a quick presentation is often used as an option. But the food is not good for those who want to diet, on fast food and calorie laden mostly from fat. In fact, in one portion of the fast food kind of junk food to meet the body's need for calories in one meal day. Avoid hence lose weight in a short time is no longer a dream.

4. Reduce your meal portion
The hardest thing for those who are dieting is to reduce the size of the meal. But the benefits of reducing the size of the meal was very significant in reducing your body weight. Therefore, round your determination and immediately put half your meal portions.

5. Eat More Often in Small Portions
Why so? turns out to eat more often such as five times a day in small portions can help your metabolism and help you lose weight. Eating small meals can prevent you from hunger and desire to eat excessive.

6. Increase Fruit and Vegetables
It's no secret, the benefits of fruits and vegetables to help you lose weight. If you are determined to appear slim and ideal, one way that you can reduce the mileage Selin portions, you can increase the consumption of fruits and vegetables. Replace your snacks with fruit and body to get healthy nutrients.

7. Drink Before Eating
Did you know drinking water 5-10 minutes before meals to reduce hunger? Drink water before you eat and you will be able to reduce the size of the meal. With the increase drinking water can also help increase your metabolism.

8. Replacing White Rice with Brown Rice
A healthy diet will be easily achieved by replacing white carbs with complex carbs found in brown rice. Carbohydrates in brown rice takes longer to be digested by the body, making the stomach feel full longer. It also keeps the body uses more energy to digest, so the calories were reduced. Besides brown rice, potatoes (boiled), beans and whole wheat bread includes complex carbohydrate foods that are rich in fiber.

9. Avoid Fried food Prioritizing The Boiled
Processing through frying food is a potential saving of trans fats that can raise cholesterol and a supplier of body fat. So as much as possible the consumption of food prepared with boiled, roasted, spiced, steamed or soup.

10. Search Applications Help Diet Program
Technology is advancing, early users of smartphones or tablet either Android, iPhone, Blackberry, and tablets can easily get applications that help the diet. The application was free and paid. Thus, how to lower the weight will be more focused.

From some of the tips above if you run a serious and strong determination then within a week it is possible for you to be different. Be prepared to be the center of attention with your body more ideal and slim.


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